
Saturday 29 March 2014

Happy Birthday Deb

Hi there

What a beautiful day we've had here in Auckland.  Phil and I have just got back from a lovely 45 minute walk in the park.  It's so nice to be able to get outdoors as I'm sure the 'not so nice' weather is not that far off!

Yesterday was my friend Debs birthday.  She recently found out she had Coeliac disease which means she has to be gluten free for the rest of her life.  So I thought I'd do up a parcel with some GF goodies snacks.  Of course you can't just 'wrap' them up - you need to make a special wrapping or bag for them.  So here's what I made to match the card we gave her.

I've had these white bags for ages so I thought I'd decorate the front and back so they're not just plain white.  I had some spare panels from my attempt at brayering that were OK so I matted them, then adhered them to a larger piece of card stock that covered the front (and back).

 And here it is with the matching card (which I showed here).

Well we're off babysitting tonight - I hope you enjoy your evening.

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