
Saturday 3 May 2014

Happy Birthday Dad

Hi there

I've finally managed some time in front of the computer to do this blog - which should have been posted two weeks ago but with all that's happening in my little space it just hasn't happened.

Dad celebrated his 81st birthday on Easter Sunday and this is the little gift we gave him - still haven't figured out what his proper gift will be!!  My Dad is amazing - the amount of practical support he has given us over the last couple of months has been wonderful.  He has been helping us get our rental ready and has been down most days working - he's like the Energizer Bunny he just keeps going and going.

This project is one of Tanya Bell's creations.  I bought the tutorial ages ago and finally got round to making it over the Easter break just in time for Dad's birthday.

Of course inside it had to hold chocolate :)

And here it is with the card - see blog post here for more details

Dad really enjoyed his little gift and had fun trying to get the chocolate out.

Will hopefully be back soon with another 'belated' birthday post.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reminder Paula!! I have the tutorial too. It's a fab gift idea!!
